Avoid Plagiarism with ChatGPT. 5 best tips!

ChatGPT can be a great tool for writing content but don't try to pass off somebody else's work as your own. Here are my 5 best tips for avoiding plagiarism when using Chat GPT. These simple content creation tips will help you with writing essays, research papers, and any other writing projects you've got. Open AI has developed a great tool but it must be used responsibly.

Chapters for easy reference:
00:00 – Introduction
00:36 – A great tool
00:57 – Understanding plagiarism
01:15 – Don't just copy and paste
01:38 – Paraphrasing
02:14 – Cite the source
02:36 – Use a plagiarism checker
03:08 – The bottom line
03:46 – Post your questions and comments


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